Moon Musings - August
“Live in the sunshine. Swim in the sea. Drink in the wild air.”
Here we are in August already! The months of 2024 are ticking away without fail or delay. Time slips into memory so easily and quickly, so it follows that we should commit to mindfulness and take the opportunity, every single day, to live - really, really live. And to us, those moments of living don’t have to be momentous milestones.
It’s your morning meditation.
It’s hugging your beloveds.
It’s remembering the impact of an elder.
It’s finding your friend tribe.
It’s cherishing your next breath.
It’s nurturing and honoring your passions.
Remembering to elevate these teeny cherished moments can be easily forgotten, especially when our to-do lists dominate our thinking and our obligations overtake our time. Consider this: the knowing glance that you share with your best friend, that hysterical memory from your childhood that only you and your cousin remember, the lilac smell of your grandmother’s perfume, that comforting recipe that makes your house smell like home are all such simple, yet critically important teeny moments that make a life.
August’s arrival reminds us that time is passing. Winter will be here soon. Some of our obligations will continue, some will conclude, and new ones may very well begin. But we can always enjoy the sunshine on our skin. Here in Rockport, our gorgeous beach beckons. The wild air only needs for you to be willing to take it in.
Breathe, dear friends. Breathe.
New Items Pack a Flavor Punch!
Carter’s creations are in demand! Thank you!
Not only are your favorites in stock, but Carter has added items that he knows you will enjoy! Bread and Butter Pickles, anyone? How about Spicy Garlic Pickle Chips or Sweet Fire Pickles?
If you’re not sure you’ll like them, remember that Carter has samples…
August’s Austin Street Art Walk - August 10th
Meet Diana Casabar
When I was a kid, you could always find me outside with my face uplifted to catch the breeze, curiosity leading me to examine tree bark, flowers, mountain layers, and river beds. It gave me such joy and reverence throughout my childhood days. I make jewelry hoping that when you wear my pieces, they will instill a sense of joie de vivre, not only for the beautiful flower or tree, but for our entire sacred Earth.
Meet Danya De Leon
I find inspiration in the natural world around me by using raw and/natural stones, fossils, shells, and other natural materials. I mainly work in silver, but I also love working with copper, brass and bronze. I have an affinity for adding decorative texture and contrast through forming and reticulation. I utilize my intuition, allowing the metal and material to dictate their final forms.
August Art Prompt
What art supply do you have that hasn’t seen much of you lately?
Has it been a while since you sketched?
Did you forget that you have that dreamy purple oil paint?
Focus on the forgotten items in your art supplies, and bring them to life!